¶ Man oh man August was a motherfucker. By god did i work hard. on top of my daily ai training hours, I must have edited a thousand videos for my side job. Well, not a thousand. precisely six. on top of that I pooped out a couple for LSR, which had it’s in-person event at the end of August. meaning I was making social media posts en masse for three platforms and all the graphics that came along with them.
Annual Garage Sale
¶ I took a one day break to help my mom with the annual terra nova garage sale which never gets less intense. im someone that likes/prefers/needs/wants to… not so much sleep in but wake up naturally, so how early I am willing to set my alarm for someone is a metric of how much I care for them and the extent of my kindness.
¶ Brief description of terror and no donuts
PLOTTER Obsession
¶ I instantly knew what I was going to do with my share of the profits, which means, my obsession must have been in full effect by then. I happened upon a video about the PLOTTER pocket planner system. and what a system it is. Look at these inserts folks. 2mm micro grid? drooool. and these shits are expensive. Like if you thought the Traveler’s Notebook had an expensive cover, 4x it and you might be able to afford a PLOTTER cover. also like the TN, inserts are relatively inexpensive with the covers serving as a sunk-cost obligation to stick with the system.

¶ I found a shop in LA that carries them and made up my mind that I would have to handle the different sizes in person before committing to purchasing one. This resolution and making my own silly dupe (see below) helped temper my zeal. Eventually I passed on my affliction to my father, who has a similar affinity/helplessness for Japanese stationery as myself. Its fun sharing that w him. All I had to do was play the same video and before it was over he was on the PLOTTER website, announcing details about the refills I had already read myself and taking virtual tours of said LA shop in hopes of spotting them on the shelves as i had too.

The Pauper's Plotter.
(click to see full size image)

¶ Also if you're thinking why the hellst did you spend a third of your monthly update waxing on about some planner system? -it's proportional to the mental space i gave it.


I'm 50 years old Japanese man

Ok everyone, put down your weapons. Ive found something that can unite us all. Actually this is probably a just-for-me thing, but hey maybe someone will find it as endearing as I do. The algorithm gods have blessed me once again by serving up this depressed japanese man that hates his family, loves Doritos, and talks about it from inside his closet after work.

Maybe it's because i see myself back in my grad school days, living in Taiwan with no English speaking friends, the highlight of my life being the latest limited edition convenience store snacks at 7-11*, and one of my only outlets was recording myself eating them. Sure, maybe. definitely. But there's also the 100% realness with how he describes his family hierarchy and the charm with how he struggles to pronounce hierarchy.
It's a fairly large channel, over 100k subs, after awhile you wonder how he gets away with sharing the utter misery he feels at home without it coming back to bite him, but there's a video where he explains that his wife and kids don't speak English and they think he runs a channel about Japanese culture for Western Audiences. He starts to reflects on what might happen when his kids grow up and learn English at school and happen upon his channel, but puts that thought away for his future self to face.

Start where I did:

(167) An Old Technique--Using Vaseline

This one is a bit harder to explain, but again we have another gift from the cyber deities†. So my friend Clark ive spoken about across this site, he moved to buttfuck washington, and since then, and since before that even happened, I had been sharing with him this video that was being repeatedly recommended to me. At first it was like check out this weird video I keep getting in my feed, and then it grew into wow youtube really wants me to watch this, and finally levelling up to inside joke status. As the months went by we watched the view count climb to 500k, push past 750k, and finally, on the eve of his birthday, it broke a million. To celebrate both, I pulled out my paintbox and immortalized this momentous and weird occasion.

* big news for 7-11 japan fans...
† The YouTube algorithm is a woman.