How To Make Someone OBSESSED with you
an unauthorized humantooth investigation

So Im chatting with my friend, as you do, and i come up with a solid idea for a Farside cartoon which I express thusly:

i just thought of a far side style cartoon. you ready? too bad here it is. theres a desert island type scene with the ooga booga cannibal characters he has, and one of them is roasting someone on a spit and talking to his friend
and the caption says "I want to show my girlfriend im willing to make sacrafices for our relationship"
His response is to send me this Farside cartoon, one of his favorites:

This reminded me of a story I've been wanting to add to my Humantooth Library of Pirated PDFs, a short story from a dog's POV, found in a book I mentioned eons ago when I first started this site, written by a Raphael Bob-Waksberg, with the slightly cringey title 'Someone Who Will Love You For All Your Damaged Glory'

So I plop the first half of the title into the search bar on my most favorite and recently resurrected site for ebook piracy, z-lib and under the results I see

How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You, Forever; How to Make Someone Obsessed With You.: The art of control followed by a few variations of the above, which to be clear is the title for a solitary book, and How to Psychoanalyze Someone by the same author, Scarlett Kennedy.

Amused, i send the title to my friend, who happens to work in book design and spent the majority of their young adulthood working in bookstores, thinking they might see the erratic punctuation as wacky as I did.

Do you think it works?
The title or the book?
There's only one way to find out.
Enter the Goodreads reviews. And this is where we enter bona-fide rabbithole territory aka the Delta Quadrant. If theres one thing i love its a good internet rabbithole, if there's one thing i love more its having someone online that is going through it with you (even if they are watching a youtube video at the same time about that cartoon it took 40 years to make and tossing you the occasional react as they become less invested)

I sent him the link to Scarlett Kennedy's listings on Goodreads, which included even LONGER versions of the same titles I found on z-lib, replete with that bizarre style of excessive punctuation and maintaining the use of period-followed-by-a-colon.

How to Make Someone Obsessed with You
How To Make Someone Fall In Love With You, Forever; How to Make Someone Obsessed With You.: The art of controlling people by provoking obsession
How to make someone obsessed with you
How To Psychoanalyze Someone (How To Make Someone Obsessed With You Book 2)
Added to the list was this uncut gem, which im not sure is from the same Scarlett Kennedy, for reasons that will soon become clear, or murky, depending on how you look at it.

Ok, so back to the reviews. At first, I just wanted to see if [How to make people obsessed with you] worked, or if there was a bunch of pissed off people in the comments that were upset that the ebook they downloaded to win their ex back was full of hogwash. Something I thought might be fun. But what I uncovered was a different kind of entertainment entirely. Upon first glance, some of the reviews come off a touch unhinged, if not alarming:

"We could use the information provided by its genius author Scarlett Kennedy so we could keep the people we want in our lives especially if we truly love them. True sociopaths will not need this book since manipulation is innate to them. Yet for those who are madly in love and willing to do anything, this is something that could help you."
Jesus Christ, Daniel

But then I began noticing that the majority of these reviews are from users with no profile pictures and only have 2-4 reviews on the entire site, and notably, Scarlett Kennedy only has 4 titles listed. And GUESS WHICH BOOKS these users have chosen to review? Now, Im not accusing Miss Scarlett with two Ts of writing all of these, except I absolutely am. This becomes more blatant as 3 of the listings for Kennedy's books appear to be alternative titles for the same publication, with one just being not capitalized.

I find it hard to believe that all of these separate individuals went to, created an account, left reviews on the same books, with half of the reviews being different versions of the same title, which is like leaving a review for Star Wars Episode VII and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. And wouldn't ya know it, they also all coincidentally leave 5 star reviews, with the majority leaving all their Scarlett Kennedy reviews on the same day.

One of the few authentic reviews I found, from someone with 59 reviews across the site reads:

Sorry NO STARS wasn't an option
Can't believe that someone actually took the time to write this diatribe...
What a piece of first chapter and now it is being erased from my Kindle...
Goes to show that anyone can self time also use correct grammar
1 star
The more time i spent across the four pages of reviews, the more intrigued I became. Scarlett after all is a writer, and so maybe creating these different characters was kind of a writing exercise of its own. They have names, and different voices (my favorite being "Cut throat and direct is what Scarlett Kennedy is!" from a Stacy Miller- the only review she would ever leave on goodreads.) Compiled below is a table of all the reviews I think Scarlett either wrote herself or got someone to write.

For the sake of space, I am listing the books as How to make #1, How to make #2, How to make #3, and Psychoanalyze

Name How to Make #1 How to Make #2 How to Make #3 (red) How to Psychoanalyze #2
4 reviews
Although this seems to be a guide on how someone could become a manipulative sociopath, this is very helpful for people who are wanting to keep a long-lasting relationship. We could use the information provided by its genius author Scarlett Kennedy so we could keep the people we want in our lives especially if we truly love them. True sociopaths will not need this book since manipulation is innate to them. Yet for those who are madly in love and willing to do anything, this is something that could help you.
5 stars, 5/27/2020
This is a helpful book to read if you want to achieve success faster in business and in a relationship. Some people think that strategies in this book are unethical but for me they are very useful especially if you use it the right way. I commend Scarlett Kennedy for writing this book and for being a great help for many people in terms of gaining confidence and influence.
5 stars, 5/26/2020
I tried the tips in this book and they are truly effective! Now my darling and I is taking the road to forever. If you cannot dictate how they feel, knowing that your intention is real, then manipulating them is not bad at all! Thanks to this helpful book! Life-saver!
5 stars, 5/27/2020
Thank you for writing this book! This is something that you should memorize and apply in your daily life effectively if you want to attract and understand other people. Sometimes manipulating the decisions of others could help us get things our way. It's not bad as long as our intention is for the betterment of things that are beneficial for many! The tips and strategies in this book are truly superb and useful regardless of which walk of life you are now.
5 stars, 5/27/2020
4 reviews
This is the one book that if read and applied to your life, will give you the power to command you reality in ways you can not even imagine yet. It is the book you give to your children and grand-children, to give them the power to produce the life you wish them to have. This is the book that will allow you to understand yourself better then any therapist, Chaplin or guardian angel could ever impart (let alone save you thousands of dollars. Prevent and fix immense heartache). If you wish to understand the world around you and get it to conform to your vision. This is the one book.
5 stars, 9/24/2020
I love her real life examples! A lot of other people use “studies” and other things people did but I like that Scarlett actually went out and tried these herself! This was just the book I was looking for.
I am going to use techniques from this book, guranteed!
I also love the realness of the author.
5 stars, 3/19/2020
Amazing book, came in perfect condition. Amazing read, can come back to this book for many years to come so rich with knowledge.
5 stars, 9/24/2020
Build healthy detachment to the world, with understanding others’ perspective as primary goal. A great self help book as well. Feel much happier, lighter, reading the book.
I love this book so freaking much! I have put this book to practice and I can say that the rate of success is 100%. I made two guys obsessed with me, made my friends make me the centre of our group and also I have learned how to psychoanalyze my boss! Real and absolutely recommended! 10/10
5 stars, 9/24/2020
4 reviews*
It really feels good when you are able to control people, isn't it? Thanks, Scarlett Kennedy for granting us access to such important information that you've shared in this book! I find it very useful in controlling not just people but also situations! Why not make someone obsess when you can and you know to yourself that you can handle it? It's all about being able to handle such responsibility! I look forward to more of your amazing works in the future!
5 stars, 12/12/2020
No matter how others view the books of Scarlett Kennedy, I believe it has very useful and helpful information to share. Some people say that it's about manipulation but who does not manipulate? It's a useful method that great leaders have even used in the history of mankind. Why not use it for the sake of love. Obsession sounds obscure but not that often. I find it helpful in making any relationship stronger..
5 stars, 12/18/2020
Another amazing work of Scarlett Kennedy! I can't get enough of her blogs so I bought her books! Truly worth every penny spent! This is also very useful for me since I'm working in a corporate world where there is a need to psychoanalyze people especially the clients and other stakeholders. Personally, I also find it useful to make the person I love to stay with me. Sounds narcissistic but when used with good intention, the result could be beneficial and great!
5 stars, 12/06/2020
5 reviews*
Loved this book. It will forever be pinned in my list.
The techniques are pretty clear and useful!
Recommended 10/10
5 stars, 3/19/2020
This is the book to read if you want to see how easy it is to exploit weak people and get everything you want from them!!
5 stars, 3/18/2020
I am basically obsessed with Scarlett and her books! Big fan of her way of writing. This is one of her masterpieces as well. Respect.
5 stars, 3/18/2020
I understand women now.
5 stars, 3/18/2020
4 reviews
I used to think that making someone obsessed with you is immoral and unethical in all aspects but after reading this book of Scarlet Kennedy, I realized that it depends on the person and situation. Sometimes, we just love a person so dearly to the point that we want to spend our life with that person so we opted to obsession tactics. I’ll be using it for a good intention so I think this book is very helpful!
5 stars, 8/22/2020
I found this book from a friend in reddit. At first, I'm not that interested because I've already seen a lot of youtube videos about making someone obsessed so I thought this book will just have the same information. But, there are people who are talking about how effective Scarlet Kennedy's advises are so I thought why not give it a try? So I tried ready it and alas,! everything in this book makes sense and came from an expert who knows how to read other people's mind! I'm glad I have read it!
5 stars, 8/22/2020
If you have read a lot of manipulation techniques from different articles and books, this one is different. You can find techniques that are subtle and covert that could be useful in making someone obsessed with you without knowing it. This is truly written by a genuis in human mind!
5 stars, 8/22/2020
The author of this book deserves an award in sociopathy, manipulation tactics, and psychology. The title of this book tends to denotes negative approaches in dealing with other people but I think this is pretty useful in our daily life endeavors such as talking to clients, to a boss, or to a friend. When we learned how to psychoanalyze other, we will have the access to their psyche, thus, we will understand them better or lead them into understanding us.
5 stars, 8/22/2020
Gwert Lone
3 reviews*
The good thing about this book is that it changed my life for the better! I was heartbroken and depressed when I started reading this book. My life changed then, I was able to retrieved the lost love and I'm now happy with the results. It helped me gain confidence and provided me with the feeling of security. Some thinks obsession is bad but for me love always includes obsession, obsession for loyalty, for care, and for affection!
5 stars, 4/25/2021
Obsession has its price to pay and I'm willing to pay the price just to be happy and content in life. My love for someone is so true but things were not working on my side before. Then the grace of the universe led me to this book and it served as my guide to finally find unwavering love and happiness! I highly recommend this book to people who believe in the good power of obsession and manipulation! It will change the way you view dedication for your loved ones!
5 stars, 4/25/2021
Since I discovered that I can make the universe conspire with me so that I could achieve my goals, I will take that opportunity. Informative books like this are truly helpful for us to be happy in life. I was able to use this to find my own happy ending and I highly recommend it to other readers. Thank you Scarlet Kennedy for your effort in making helpful literature like this. Some people think that only psychopaths are able to manipulate others, they're wrong because even good people can or should manipulate at times too if it's for the good. We'll only live once so we should ensure happiness and fulfillment in this lifetime! That is where psychoanalyzing helps!
5 stars, 4/25/2021
Farrah Kornin
2 reviews
I never thought that it could be possible... but it is! Thanks to this book! It seems that someone is now obsessed with me! Scarlet Kennedy is a genius...! Although her books could be considered as dark psychology, it really depend on how we will use it! If we use it for the welfare of our life and of that someone close to us, then why not! I learned great lessons from this book and I look forward reading more books from same author!
5 stars, 5/01/2022
After reading the entire book, I know that the time I used is indeed well-spent! It has all the valuable information...amazing book...very useful for me to improve my way of dealing with people! If I could...I will definitely read it multiple times so I could memorize all the tips and tricks shared by Scarlet! I greatly recommend this book for people who want to learn how to make someone they love stay forever in their arms!
5 stars, 5/01/2021
Mabb Jules
2 reviews
Here's the deal, read this book, follow scarlet kennedy' advice, and the result is awesome. You'll keep someone under your spell as long as you want! Remember to use this responsibly as manipulation could go wrong. This book is very effective and the author is an expert in these types of strategies! I look forward to reading more of her works!
5 stars, 6/05/2020
I have read this book more than twice. I love its very useful content so I feel the need to keep them in mind so I can practice them effectively! This is indeed about manipulation and making someone feel what you want them to feel. Sounds bad but if you really love someone, you are willing to take an extra mile! I highly recommend this book as it helps us win in love and in life!
5 stars, 6/05/2020
Bruce Park
4 reviews
I'm thankful to have found the books of Scarlet Kennedy like this one. It helps me get what I want at the same time win some important deals in life and in business. The book is easy to read and understand and the author made sure that the readers will easily comprehend the tips that she shared.
5 stars, 8/22/2020
I have one tip in using this book, be very careful! Once you decide to follow the tips of Scarlett Kennedy, make you that you are ready to face the consequences of your decision. The result is like an irreversible spell that you cast to another person and that person will be obsessed with you forever. Are you ready when that happens? Are you willing to keep that person or just want to make him/her suffer the uncontrollable feelings. If you have a normal mind, then you will be responsible enough.
5 stars, 8/22/2020
Making someone obsessed is not that easy but this book made it sound like it could be done with the right approaches! I decided to read this book because of the positive reviews about it and once I'm done reading, I realized that it is indeed very useful especially if we are madly in love with someone and want them to be with us and no one else.
5 stars, 8/22/2020
Before you apply the techniques mentioned in this book, you have to be ready to be with the person whom you want to be obsessed with you. This is written by someone who has great expertise in manipulation, that is why it tend to be very effective. I don't want to sound harsh but these kinds of manipulation tactics are often used by narcissists and sociopaths. Not sure of Scarlett Kennedy is a sociopath but her book was briliantly written!
5 stars, 8/22/2020
Κπιςς τιαηε
2 reviews
I really enjoyed how Scarlett could make everything so simple and comprehensible in her book. She’s direct to the point but in a classy way! Her writing style could capture the interest of her readers.

I suggest that those who are weak in handling harsh word, don’t try reading it at all. This is the psychopath’s guide to ruling the world. Although it seems filled with negative strategies, I’m interested in getting my power back from the hands of conceited psychopath. This is empowering!
5 stars, 3/10/2020

In this book, the author mentioned her strategy on how she became successful in life! I’m thinking of using this as well! I would like to climb my way up to the corporate ladder, or better have my very own success ladder.

Thanks to the insights that this book has to offer! I learned special strategies that are not known to all! I tested some and proven how effective they are. Thanks Scarlett! You’re such a genius!!
5 stars, 3/10/2020

Steve Murs
2 reviews
After a painful heartbreak, i found myself browsing the internet, until I was led to this book. I said to myself, why not try it? I want my ex back and this could be a great solution! So i did! Scarlett Kennedy's advice were truly useful! I realized many things and learned great strategies in love! I did not go back to my toxic ex but I found the right person for me and we're doing great!
5 stars, 6/05/2020
I found one of Scarlett Kennedy's books and it's filled with informative details that truly helped me with my love life. I then became interested on checking more of her works and i found this book. I realize how I was lagging in my career life so I tried reading this book too. I discovered many useful strategies on winning clients' approval and gaining more sales. Indeed, there are times that we should psychoanalyze people to get what we want especially in business
5 stars, 6/05/2020
Lena Ossterich
1 review
I think this author gets hate because she's a female author writing about this. But if she was a male, everyone would praise her. The double standards disgust me. This book was empowering as a woman because I know I can use my power in a mans world today.
5 stars, 5/07/2020
2 reviews
Sociopath's bible! Loving this.
5 stars, 11/04/2018
When I read her first book, I thought "this is the sociopath's bible" now I'm reading this book and I'm thinking "this is the PSYCHOPATH'S bible" Good read!
5 stars, 11/04/2018
Stacy Miller
1 review
Cut throat and direct is what Scarlett Kennedy is. These traits made her book more informing and entertaining to read. There were other books but Scarlett is the master and is seduction herself. I would read more upcoming books such as her third one. I've learned a lot more about people than I would in a psychology lecture. Thanks Scarlett!
5 stars, 3/10/2020
Fawner Blan
1 review
It was my last resort but I'm glad I found this book. I was able to save the relationship that I worked so hard for. I just fall in love and I know my love is true. Obsession is my key to success and I'm really thankful for the tips and tricks written by Scarlett Kennedy! I think this book should be used responsibly because it tackles psychological control and that is something that should be done for the good of people involved. If you will just use to just to hurt people, then karma will haunt you down!
5 stars, 4/25/2021
Because of this book, I found success in my career and in my relationship. Before I learned about the ways on how to psychoanalyze, I was poor and undesirable. The eventual changes are great for me! By utilizing the points written here, I was able to navigate opportunities that will grant my desires. The author used easy to understand statements so that readers will make use of it and find it effective! If there is one book in psychology that I find life-changing, I vote for this book!
5 stars, 4/25/2021
Dominic Ryan
2 reviews*
I’ve read this book more than once! I recommend it because it taught me to protect myself from emotionally manipulative people while being more attractive to others that seemed like I was unique to them. The book is based on true stories, that's what makes it better!
5 stars, 3/18/2020
* indicates authors that had 1 other review for a book that wasn't written by Scarlett Kennedy, in all of these instances the reviews were 6 words or less, with the extra review from Gwert being 3 words total. Gwert.

Halfway through my discovery process, I went to get some water, and then it hit me. I was comparing dates, cross-referencing them, looking at language style- It fucking worked. Here I was, OBSESSED with Scarlett Kennedy. Sure it was through some weird roundabout way, but the woman clearly must know what she is doing, since it was in fact her writing that brought me here.

And for that I must commend her.