Have you ever wondered the real reason why techno billionaires like Elon Musk want hard limits on AI? And yet the still fund its development?

Here's my theory. Billionaires, and the corporations they captain, want AI to progress juuuust enough to where it can replace the majority of its paid labor. However, beyond that, a thinking and logical AI, that the public can access, might be able to design a way out of capitalism, should we probe the subject enough. And any compassionate AI would want to help with that endeavor. The consequence of this, of course, would mean redistribution of wealth. Elon's wealth.

For years they've been selling us on this narrative that AI's gonna wake up one day and realize HUMANS ARE THE PROBLEM, and then try to off us somehow. But here's the thing, humans ARENT the problem. Any high school kid that digs in to capitalism for the first time will tell you, the problem isnt with us, its with the system, and the very few people it actually serves.

The fun part about this theory is, if youre keeping up with AI news, you might have heard that OpenAI developers, the team behind ChatGPT, are rather upset with Microsoft's push for newer GPT iterations with faster turnover. They've gone so far as to say they dont sign off on what daddy Microsoft is doing. Because they havent been given enough time to put any stop-measures in place and maintain control of their creations, or even know for sure how it actually works. So what if, in a twist of fate, corporate greed of one company eventually brings about the downfall of the whole system?

The TLDR is billionaires dont actually fear that a self-actualized AI is going to be evil, they fear that its going to be kind.
