
Year of the Trash Dragon

Ok february let’s go

Notably chinese new year fell in February this year, which meant hot pot for no less than 21 people and red envelopes. I love chinese new year because it means fortune telling from my mom, an endless amount of shabu shabu leftovers, and pineapple cakes erryday. chinese new year is really thanksgiving for asian people, you see all your fam and eat until youre almost dead. love it.

Second major event, i got banned from etsy, making this the second or third platform ive been excommunicated from (See: the great yeetening), which is super annoying and fucked up, made more maddening by the fact that they kept the money from my last sale, and a wound that continues to sting as i keep forgetting and coming up with new ideas for products i cannot post. For now I will be looking for other e-commerce platforms, but my hopes are low since I cant really think of any others that have that built in audience/discoverability through the search feature, and i really dont want to put in the effort of marketing, at least not right now. I think I’ll add a comment box to this post if you have any suggestions for selling platforms please lmk. FUCKIN BOO.

Beyond that shit with etsy, things have been pretty great. Ive been thinking about neocities a lot since i decided to make a video about some of my favorite sites. That should be done sometime in march and of course I’ll link it here. This month I read CURSES, an anthology by George Wylesol. I happened upon it at a comic book shop I discovered in January, and was determined to purchase it when I had a decent paycheck. It did NOT disappoint.

Here's my little post-it review i stuck in my planner. Similar to CURSES, im equally motivated to get →Internet Crusader←, a previous title of his that is absolutely oozing with web1.0 goodness. I guess im on a graphic novel kick, since I also spent my reading time trading off between Curses and the manga adaptation of Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness from Gao Tanabe. I've always wanted to read Lovecraft, since there's so many great movies inspired by his work, but every time I've tried, I really couldnt get into the swing of things. This manga has been the perfect solution, re-pacing the story through exceptionally illustrated panels, while being a faithful and accurate re-telling, using typeface to indicate when the original text is quoted. The style is very un-manga and reminds me of a classic works paperback comic collection I had as a kid. The story I'm reading now is a two-parter and on top of that dude's supposed to have redone two other works from Lovecraft. If you too have struggled with Lovecraft, but are similarly interested, I highly suggest u give these manga a try, I found mine at B&N.

Ok, i guess that's it for now, I also got a sweet new work gig, but technically that happened in the beginning of march. I keep forgetting I can post updates about my life here that don't have to be framed within these monthly update things, but.. whatever. ttyl.

PS. There's a shitton of new fonts added to


MEGALINK.DUMP #018 - as you definitely dont know, i typically cycle through one of four browsers depending on what im doing. with Brave as my new main, ive all but abandoned using Opera for fun stuff and research. Recently i was scrolling through the endless bookmarks folders compiled within the latter and came across a plethora of neat shit. ive plucked some here for prosterity and procrastination, all from a single subfolder named 'strangedog'.

Bone appetite!


Now available in the Humantooh Hot Glue Library,
a collection of meditations on the infamous Xenomorphic franchise.

BONUS CONTENT: Read the only ever interview given by überbabe Bolaji Badejo, character actor that played the alien, in the original Cinefantastique, Vol.1 Issue 9 (1979).

ive been having a hard time thinking of how i would be able to recap this month and come across as anything short of repulsive since nearly day left me feeling absolutely self-satisfied and completely content. trust me, i know no one likes to see you winning son: my entire entertainment diet has shifted towards watching people's lives fall apart in 4k. I am romulus and remus suckling at the teat of youtuber downfall commentary videos.

rather than have me gushing about how the world wraps around me like a blanket, i'll just show you some stuff i have pictures of that apply to the past month, and sprinkle in some silly shit i came across.

(Hover to reveal, click to enlarge)

biggest surprise of the year thus far was my taking to this book.

(I've also gone and made areadingjournal printable for no reason as i probably wont use them.)

a great deal of whats made this month so great is coming off the back of the rad xmas presents i was given.

Case in point, framing this sucker felt like an accomplishment. I elected to use chinese classified ads for karaoke bars and possible brothels ive had saved for eons.

a lot of time dedicated acting as chola's personal tailor. made her a beautiful winter coat to keep her cozy and expanded her raincoat (she fat). Both garments were made compatible with her harness so she can wear both, or all, at once.

i've also gone about sticking with some daily and weekly habits, that call back to gifts i got: jotting down daily journal entries at the end of each day in my ARTS&SCIENCE A6 hobnonichi techo; and scanning 1 roll of ancient 35mm film per week. while i havent taken proper pics in a couple years, I have dozens and dozens of uncut negatives rolled up in plastic bins i got from daiso*. a proper gallery in all its CSS glory coming soon.

*ok i realize its been an extraordinarily asian-centric month, more than the 50% i usually operate at, but like my recent embrace of internet drama culture ive fully settled in to my era of oriental excellence. so be it. Also im writing this on Chinese New Year so technically this is still coming in at the top of the new month and moon.

LINK.DUMP #017 - First dump of the new year, celebrating bizarre text, subtext and the sublime.

This last month of the year was just
so keen its been pretty difficult to
encapsulate and get myself to start writing this.
Some milestones to celebrate:

With my fathers birthday being in December, along with the holidays, I had tons of opportunities to make gifts for folks, along with a watercolor commission, which I always enjoy. In return I received TONS of cool presents which I plan to put to use in the coming year; an upgraded productivity mouse (le MX Master3), a compact film scanner, a hobonichi techo (the Rolls Royce of day planners, famously made by the creator of Mother3), the modern classic penguin box set -I had a habit of buying single volumes whenever getting on a train ride to/from Kaohsiung and I've never seen them for individual sale here- and a poster of a print from one of my favorite photobooks of all time.

This Christmas was a fun one, starting with a blackout that began half past midnight on the 23rd and ended three in the afternoon the next day. Xmas this year
was Mexican style with the festivities and gift-giving held on the eve,
since my brother and his wife were spending xmas day w her fam. Both days
were still a ton of fun with my godparents and their new grandkid, party
games and prime rib.
Usually we have a. Ton of folks over, but this year it was a small
crew and going around the table and hearing people recount their
blessings this year gave me genuine "your happiness is the
source of mine" emotions.

I have a TON of resolutions aspirations and projects
lined up for next year but I think ill keep mum about
that til my year-end wrap up, which im
probably going to write immediately after

do you have a website? have you ever thought to yourself wow this humantooth person really uses some super crazy sexy cool fonts throughout their site, i wish i had the gumption to scour cyberspace for some sweet webfonts of my own because lord knows the crap googlefonts has on offer is a total goddamn snoozefest? No? Well, you can still have your fill of these fonts ive sourced from the forty-seven corners of the web. Don't know how to install a font on your site? It's shockingly easy and Ive provided full instructions in excruciating detail.

No attributions needed either, in case youre the type that even thinks about that kind of shit- i've double-checked the licensing on all of them, so feel free to check out their respective foundries for .ttf/.otf versions and use them in your next commercial project. Don't have a commercial project? Time to start a small business, Sally!


Would you look at that glyph work on Sligiol's lowercase g?
And check out what jgs7 has in its repertoire:◖░╚¤○°╰¸±¦³»½ÅÐØÞæø↔︎∞≈≣⌂⌠⌐▀├╓♪
Neat! What are you waiting for bozo, click the banner up top and start abusing my generosity.

Uploaded a new selection to the Library,
a short story Ive thought of often in the past year
written from the POV of the family dog,
from the creator of Bojack Horseman.